The Staphylococci are gram positive cocci which live in cluster as the cocci divide in 3 planes and the daughter cocci fail to separate from each other.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies on nutrient agar
The colonies are smooth,translucent large low convex 2-4 mm in diameter with irregular spreading edge and sweetish aromatic odour.Fluorescent greenish blue growth and pigment diffuses into medium.
MacConkey's agar plate showing growth of Salmonella typhi
The Salmonella typhi colonies are circular low convex smooth translucent,colourless due to absence of lactose fermentation.
Salmonella species are the causative agents for Typhoid fever.
Blood agar plate showing growth of Proteus species
The organism shows characteristic swarming in the form of succesive waves forming concentric circles with fishy smell.The swarming can be prevented by increasing the concentration of agar to 6% as compared to normal which is 2%
The important organisms in proteus species are Proteus vulgaris and Proteus mirabilis
Blood agar plate showing colonies of Vibrio cholerae
Most of the colonies are surrounded by zone of greening which later clear due to haemodigation.
This organism is responsible for cholara disease.
TCBS agar plate-Uninoculated
Thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose medium.
This medium is selective as well as differential medium for vebrio cholara.
It contains yeast extract,peptone,sodium thiosulphate,sodium citrate sucrose agar and bromothymol blue.
It is sterilisation is by autoclaving.
Wilson Blair Medium-Uninoculated
Its a selective and differential medium.
It contains peptic digest of animal tissue,beef extract,dextrose,disodium phosphate,ferrous sulphate,bismuth sulphate indicator,brilliant green.
Sterilization is by autoclaving.
Use:For isolating Salmonella species.
Its differential because H2S producing bacteria will produce black colonies and non H2S producing bacteria green colonies.
Comparison between Wilson blair medium and TCBS agar
The wilson blair medium shows colonies which are black for S.typhi and green for the S.paratyphi,while the V.cholerae shows yellowish colonies which later become green.
Also TCBS is little transparent than W-B. medium.
Uninoculated Lowenstain-Jensen medium
This is the selective medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
It contains Egg,aspergin,peptone,agar,etc
the colonies appeare after 2-8 weeks which are yellow in colour.
Muller Hilton agar plate with Antibiotic sensitivity testing.
Its a special type medium which contains Beef extract,casein hydrolysate,starch and agar.
Its sterilised by autoclaving
Its used for antibiotic sensitivity testing.
nice ones.. how about neisseria mening. in thayer hilton agar.. that would be a nice addition to this helpful collection..
ReplyDeleteand thanks a lot
Thank you so so much for this. This was added years ago and is so much useful for me today. It is nicely described and the comparison and difference were very helpful. Thank you once again